General Questions
Here you will find our most commonly asked questions. If you don’t see the question you have, please feel free to use our Contact Form to send us your question.
Does the donation goal include donations from the leadership team?
No, the donation goal on the Donation Page does not include the amounts donated by our leadership team. Currently all funds come from the team and any amount you elect to donate will be greatly appreciated.
How much are the Directors of Big Sky Sanctuary compensated?
The Directors are compensated exactly $0 and are 100% volunteers. We do however get the pleasure of feeling good about rescuing animals and providing resources for other local non-profits.
Is your Sanctuary a no-kill ranch?
Yes and no. We do not kill or allow harm to come to our animal friends from neglect or abuse. However as part of that commitment we sometimes have to resort to extreme measures to keep predators away. (i.e. Coyotes, Javelina, Bobcats, Snakes, etc.) Our first option is to scare the animals off with loud noises, but for those that don’t respond to that, then we are forced to protect our friends.
Why don't you have a phone number or email address posted on the site?
Spammers and scammers routinely scrape websites for this information in order to make unwanted calls and/or send emails with their illegal activities. If you fill out the Contact Form we will gladly respond to you with both of these so we might communicate easier. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.
Frequently Asked Questions